- Aging Skin 老化
- Ance / Oily Congested and Blemish Skin 油性,混合性
- Antioxidant 抗氧化
- Care of Sensitive Skin 抗敏
- Dermaviduals Basic Care Cleanser 基础洁面
- Exfoliation 去角质
- Eye Care 眼部护理
- Hydrating and Moisturizing 保湿滋润
- Intensive Eye Care 加强眼部护理
- Mineral Skin Care Makeup 彩妆
- Moisturizing and Repairing 滋润修护
- Skin Regeneration 肌肤再生
- Stabilize, repair and restore 平衡,修复
- Stress Skin Solutions 压力肌肤
- Sun Protection 防晒
- Toning 爽肤
- Whitening and Depigmentation 美白祛斑
- Others
Dermaviduals Malaysia ~ Singapore
Unit 7-6 (6th Floor),
Block A, Jaya 1,
No. 72A, Jalan Universiti,
46200, Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Massage Oil
For stimulation of the micro-circulation
Partial or full body massage treatments.
Partial or full body massage treatments.
Composition | Main components are almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, olive oil, grape seed oil as well as native phosphatidylcholine. The massage oil is rich in essential oils and skin protection substances like phytosterols and choline. | |
Properties | The specific composition of this oil guarantees a lasting and gentle massage treatment combined with excellent skin caring effects. At the same time the skin is provided with essential substances to support its protective function. The massage stimulates the microcirculation of the skin. | |
Application | In partial or full body massage treatments, the oil is applied and subsequently massaged into the skin with circular motion. If desired, the oil can be enriched with essential oils like menthol or mint oil which both have local cooling effects. With the adequate additives the oil can also be applied for ayurveda and aroma therapy treatments. Sparsely applied the product can also be used as appropriate body oil after a bath or shower. The oil is perfectly suitable for blemished and dry skin. | |
Further applications:
To use :
- Massage oil for face and body. All skin type.
Conditions of use & warning :
- Massage oil with almond oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, olive oil, grape seed oil and lecithin to nourish and stimulate the microcirculation of the skin.
- For skin treatment only.
- Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.
- Any symptoms of irritation, rinse with water.
Massage oil
- 加速新陈代谢
- 可用来做全身按摩疗程